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Endurance bars 2.0: chocolate almond hazelnut

Energie zonder crash? We got you covered! Met de Endurance bar cruise je door je workout, afternoon-dip of nachtdienst in de 6e versnelling!

Cordyceps stimulates blood circulation and oxygen uptake - and oxygen as a fuel supports endurance and reduces the risk of disease. Cordyceps also stimulates ATP production (the energy source for all body cells). This makes you more energetic and less tired.

Furthermore, cordyceps has anti-inflammatory uses, supports immune function and stimulates circulation and testosterone production. Because of the latter 2, Cordyceps contributes to a healthy libido and this mushroom is also called “ Cordysex ”.

Want to know more about cordyceps, or curious how it was discovered? Read it here.

Guaraná is one of nature's strongest stimulants! With an average of 4.7% caffeine, guarana seeds are 2-3 times as strong as coffee beans!

We all know the effects of caffeine: it keeps you awake, energizes and stimulates a cheerful feeling. But due to the high fiber content of guarana seeds, the effect is gradual and long-lasting. So you don't get an energy peak or crash as is often the case with coffee or energy drinks.

What many don't know is that caffeine is also a strong antioxidant. In other words, a protector of the body cells. In addition, guaraná also contains theophylline and theobromine , making it comparable to green tea. Theophylline helps lung and heart function and theobromine acts as a caffeine diet.

Would you like to know more about guarana and its ancient uses? Read it on Meet the Heroes.

With their caramel-like taste and soft fleshy structure, our Dalia Sukkaray dates are ideally suited for making raw bars .

In addition, dates are full of fiber and rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron. They even contain some protein and healthy fats, making them a much more complete and healthier sweetener than natural alternatives such as honey and maple syrup.

You can read more about our dates in this blog article.

Oats are an indispensable ingredient for concentrates. It is full of complex (or "slow") carbohydrates and has 11% fiber. This ensures that it digests gradually and releases energy over a long time.

Moreover, oats contain a lot of protein. With 14 grams of protein per 100 grams, oats contain up to twice (!) as much protein as other vegetable protein sources such as cooked chickpeas or black beans.

Want to know more about our gluten-free oats? Then read this blog article.

Almonds and hazelnuts are indispensable in an athletes diet. Together they provide this delicious nut butter with 19% proteins, healthy fats, magnesium and almost all B vitamins (important for energy production and oxygen transport)!

The nuts are roasted in their own fat to give them more flavor and ground into a paste to loosen the fats and give the bars a smooth texture.

You can read more about our almond-hazelnut spread in this blog article.

In terms of taste, chocolate-almond-hazelnut is of course a no-brainer. Moreover, with 80% dark chocolate you have a lot of cocoa. Cacao is full of antioxidants and is the plant product with the highest concentration of magnesium – a mineral that we get far too little of in the standard Western diet.

In addition, cocoa contains a lot of healthy fats, which give chocolate that delicious smooth taste, and it is rich in proteins. Finally, cocoa contains theobromine and a little bit of caffeine , these substances make you alert and have a positive effect on your mood.

Want to know more about our 80% dark chocolate? Then read this blog article.

Cinnamon is full of antioxidants and also has a stabilizing effect on your blood sugar levels - it can reduce blood sugar peaks and increase insulin sensitivity. This converts the sugars you eat into more even and long-lasting energy

More about cinnamon in this blog article.

Celtic sea salt is the "primal" mineral supplement. In addition to sodium (the mineral with a "salt taste"), it contains about 70 other minerals, including the electrolytes magnesium, calcium and potassium.

This means it has a more complex taste than “pure salt” and you need less of it to flavor your food.

Want to know more about Celtic sea salt? Have a look at this blog article.

Energy without the crash? We got you covered! With the Endurance bar you cruise through your workouts, afternoon-dip or long (night) shifts in 6th gear.

The Endurance bars combine natural supplements with oats and 80% dark chocolate to support your energy and stamina. The almond-hazelnut butter makes the Endurance taste like the praline of RAW bars - a delicious cheat flavor that's nutritious and healthy!

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Endurance bar in hand van lachende sportvrouw
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Customer Reviews

Based on 29 reviews
Top product

Erg lekker, voedzaam, en goed
Normaal krijg ik van veel producten buikpijn maar hier geen last van gehad! Gaf me voldoende energie om weer verder te kunnen met mijn dag!! 10/10

Prettige bite (en goede energie)

Prettige bite. Je hebt niet het idee, dat je direct heel vol raakt. Wel heb je prettige energie erbij voor langere tijd. De zoet-factor is prettig, maar zeker niet overheersend. Je proeft genoeg (lekkere) andere ingrediënten!

Alexander Polligkeit
Really good Bar!

As a trail Runner I already tried many different bars. These bars are delicious, good digestible and fill your Body with the right nutrients to perform longer. I already made a big order for my running season. Greetings from Switzerland and Thanks a lot!!

karien boosten
Endurance een wonder voor de 4D

De laatste dag van de Nijmeegse vierdaagse 2023 ontmoet ik een ervaren loper, ruim 70 plus, die zijn verbazing over zichzelf uitsprak. Zonder getraind te hebben verwachtte hij het één dag vol te houden. Zijn agenda voor dag 2, 3 en 4 had hij met andere afspraken gevuld. ‘Er is een wonder over mij neergedaald,’ mijn agenda heb ik leeg moeten vegen, ik loop nog steeds, zei hij. Dan is er over mij ook een wonder neergedaald, zo dacht ik. Zonder training ben ook ik de vierde dag op de been. Dat moet het wonder van de ‘endurance’ zijn. Prettig een aards wonder waar ik vat op heb.
In mijn wandelgang heet de reep ‘de spirit van Merlijn’. Een smaakvolle, energie boost waarmee ik op vleugeltjes ging. In porties over de dag verdeeld, bleef mijn energie op een constant peil. Geen moment van er door heen zitten, een aanhoudend positieve mindset. De reep is voedzaam waardoor minder andere voeding nodig, rust voor de maag tijdens de inspanning.
Kortom, een absolute aanrader tijdens de lange afstand mars van ‘the walk of the world’.

Ali Salek
Good Quality Food

I'm alergic to fake stuff and if i like something fake my Body says NO!
Body said Yesss

Questions? We have answers.

Date paste (dates, sunflower oil), almond-hazelnut paste (roasted hazelnuts 50%, roasted almonds 50%, sea salt), gluten free oats, dark chocolate (cocoa mass 80%, cane sugar, cocoa butter, vanilla pods), 1.500 mg cordyceps extract, 1.000 mg guarana powder, Celtic sea salt, Ceylon cinnamon powder.

May contain hard natural parts and traces of: soy, nuts, peanuts and sesame. Product contains cafeïne (~40 mg per bar, akin to a cup of black tea) and food supplements. Not recommended for children and pregnant women. 

per 100 gr per bar (50 gr)


393 Kcal
1648 Kj
197 Kcal
824 Kj
Fats 18.0g 9.0 g
- of which saturated 4.5g 2.3g
Carbohydrates 53.2 g 26.6g
- of which sugars 30.0g 15.0g
- of which fibers 11.6g 5.8g
Proteins 8.5g 4.2g
Salt 0.45g 0.23g

The base of oats, almond-hazelnut butter and 80% dark chocolate give you all the nutrients for long-lasting energy. With our Endurance  supplements we take it to the next level:

+ 1,500 mg Cordyceps
+ 1,000 mg Guaraná

Want to know more about these supplements? Read it here.

We recommend eating no more than 2 Endurance bars per day, for a maximum of 5/7 days per week.*

Cordyceps has been used safely in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years. In the West, the maximum dose for Cordyceps has never been established, but it has been used safely by healthy* adults in daily doses of 3–6 grams for 1 year.

Our guaraná contains an average of 3.9 % caffeine, varying from harvest to harvest. That means that the Endurance bar  contains an average of 39 mg of caffeine per serving – comparable to 1 cup of black tea. Although doses of up to 400mg per day have been tested safe for healthy adults, caffeine sensitivity is highly individual. Eat the Endurance bar no later than 6 hours before going to sleep to prevent your sleep being disturbed.

*Cordyceps stimulates your blood flow and strengthens your immune system. This is desirable for most people, but before surgery and in autoimmune conditions, Cordyceps may exacerbate symptoms. Do not use in combination with immune suppressors and anticoagulants.

For the optimal effect, we recommend taking the bars at different times.* For example:

- An Endurance bar in the morning and a Flow bar for work or study in the afternoon.
- A Flow rawnola breakfast bowl and an Endurance bar as pre-workout snack (45-60 minutes before your workout).
- A Flow bar for breakfast an an Endurance bar to power through your post-lunch dip in the afternoon.

*Keep in mind the maximum daily doses.

Keep the bars cool, dry and dark (e.g. in a cold cupboard or drawer). Then it will stay good for at least 9 months after production date.

On the product you'll find a best before date used for our quality assurance. If you store your bars beyond this date, use your nose and eyes to determine whether they are still edible.

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